International Urban Forums and Conferences

English version of the 14th issue of Şehir&Toplum

Articles in the book:

  • Making Sense of Urban Forums and Conferences

Alim Arlı

  • Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF): An Interview with M. Cemil Arslan

Alim Arlı, Ezgi Küçük, Samet Keskin

  • Cities and Local Governments on The Global Urban Agenda: United Nations Habitat Conferences

Gülden Erkut

  • Global Coordination Function for Sustainable Urbanizatıon of United Nations Habitat Conferences

Ulaş Akın

  • Moscow Urban Forum: From Glasnost to Globalism

M. Cemil Arslan, Hatice Çetinlerden

  • Understanding Urban Age: Urban Age Conferences

Ezgi Küçük, Samet Keskin

  • Urban Future Global Conference: From Graz to Oslo Via Vienna Transfer

Hatice Çetinlerden

  • International Metropolis Conferences: Migration Agenda From 1996 to Present

Burcuhan Şener, Merve Ağca Kocakoç

  • Play the City: The Architectonics of Game Spaces

Ekim Tan


International Urban Forums and Conferences
International Urban Forums and ConferencesEnglish version of the 14th issue of Şehir&Toplum

Diğer Yayınlar

Tüm Yayınlar

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