Localization of Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the Marmara Region
Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU) conducted a research titled “Local Governments Sustainable Development Goals Activities Research” between May – June 2021. The research aims to reveal MMU’s member municipalities awareness of SDGs, their SDG-related works and their partnerships with other institutions on SDGs. It also intends to identify local good practices which contributes to the process of realizing SDGs.
Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU) conducted a research titled “Local Governments Sustainable Development Goals Activities Research” between May – June 2021. The research aims to reveal MMU’s member municipalities awareness of SDGs, their SDG-related works and their partnerships with other institutions on SDGs. It also intends to identify local good practices which contributes to the process of realizing SDGs.
In the first part of the research, an online survey which includes the questions measuring municipalities’ SDG awareness level, SDG-related works and SDG-driven governance practices was conducted. In the second phase, municipalities’ best practices related to SDGs were collected via an information form. The findings of the research which was conducted in all MMU’s member metropolitan, provincial, district and town municipalities in 12 cities (Balıkesir, Bilecik, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Edirne, İstanbul, Kırklareli, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Tekirdağ ve Yalova) are presented in the report “Localization of Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the Marmara Region”. This report is the first work in Turkey to reveal Turkish municipalities’ awareness of global goals and the extent to which they integrate SDGs into their institutional structure as well as works.
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For Turkish version: https://mbbkulturyayinlari.com/raporlar/surdurulebilir-kalkinma-amaclarinin-yerellesmesi-marmara-bolgesi-ornegi/