Urban - Cities Developing Solutions

Issue 3
The third issue of Urban, the compilation issue of the magazine Kent published by Marmara Municipalities Union with the motto “Cities Developing Solutions”, is now available.

Urban aims to inspire mayors and other local administrators and share information related to the solutions and best urban practices and ideas in areas such as environment and climate change, urban technologies, transport and mobility, urban infrastructure, housing and built environment, migration, city networks, local development, social inclusion, resilience, public space, health and culture. Along with the best practices, the magazine’s content includes articles, reviews and interviews. 

Explore the table of contents of the 3nd issue:

A 4-Day Journey to “Resilience and Beyond” With MARUF23

Safe and Healthy Cities With School Streets Hayrettin Günç

Home Visit-Based Family Guidance Program in Early Childhood Feyza Çorapçı

Attention! Children Speak For The City... As A Model For Child Participatıon in City Governance "Istanbul Asks the Children" Project Sibel Çetingöz, Erdoğan Kahyaoğlu

Streets Redesigned!: Small Transformations For Big Changes Görsev Argın Uz

Thinking From 95 Cm: Designing Streets For Children Melike Tozlu

Immigration-Aging-Living Space Ferhan Saniye Palaz

The Importance of Old Age and the Situation of Older Persons in the Context of An Inclusive and Fair Climate Policy Begüm Sakar, Osman Balaban

New York Along the Footsteps of An Urban Eyewitness Hidayet Softaoğlu

Iza's Ballad: A Story of the Search For Meaning and Purpose in the City Eylül Görmüş

Urban - Cities Developing Solutions
Urban - Cities Developing SolutionsIssue 3

Diğer Yayınlar

Tüm Yayınlar

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 15 - Bakım

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 14 - Kentsel İyi Oluş

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 13 - Marmara Denizi Özel Sayısı