Urban - Cities Developing Solutions

Issue 1

Urban, the compilation issue of the magazine Kent published by Marmara Municipalities Union with the motto “Cities Developing Solutions”, is now available.

Urban aims to inspire mayors and other local administrators and share information related to the solutions and best urban practices and ideas in areas such as environment and climate change, urban technologies, transport and mobility, urban infrastructure, housing and built environment, migration, city networks, local development, social inclusion, resilience, public space, health and culture. Along with the best practices, the magazine’s content includes articles, reviews and interviews.

Explore the table of contents of the first issue of Urban:

Henri Prost and Istanbul

Prof. İpek Akpınar, İzmir Institute of Technology

The Nightmare of Marmara: Mucilage

Ahmet Cihat Kahraman

Marmara Region Spatial Development Strategic Framework

Mehmet Ocakçı, Gülden Erkut, Fatih Terzi

City and Memory

Görsev Argın, City Planner and Researcher

What is Urban Memory and What Does It Do?

Tülin Selvi Ünlü, City Planner, Çukurova University

Sites of Connectıon to Urban Memory -Stories of The Past And Practices of The Present

Anita Bakshi, Architect, Rutgers University

Migration: Social Harmonization, Urban Reliability and Data Management

Burcuhan Şener, Merve Ağca

Shield or Weakness? Personal Data Collection in Immigration Management

Filiz Garip, Princeton University

The Resilience of Cities Against The Influence of Immigration:

Confront – Fix – Improve

Sinan Özden, Reslog Turkey Project

Why is a Cross Scale Circular Economy Crucial?

Ken Webster, University of Exeter Business School

Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF)

Global Street Design Guide Review

Nazlıcan Akcı


The Role of The Local In Realizing The 2030 Targets

Interview Compilation: Cities Compete In The World, Not Countries

Interview Compilation: Cities from Mayors’ Perspectives

Book Review: Dream Cities by Wade Graham

Murat Şentürk

Urban - Cities Developing Solutions
Urban - Cities Developing SolutionsIssue 1

Diğer Yayınlar

Tüm Yayınlar

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 15 - Bakım

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 14 - Kentsel İyi Oluş

Kent – Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Sayı 13 - Marmara Denizi Özel Sayısı